Do You Need a New Door? Here Are 4 Telltale Signs To Look Out For

Do You Need a New Door? Here Are 4 Telltale Signs To Look Out For

Doors—mundane building parts that we take for granted. Naturally, we don’t give them much thought, but when they’re damaged, faulty, or worn out, we start to understand how crucial they are.

They shield us from the elements, provide security by controlling access, highlight the general aesthetic of our homes, help with insulation, and so much more. That’s why you need to repair or replace a door that’s showing signs of damage. Here are 4 red flags to watch out for:

Do You Need A New Door? 4 Telltale Signs To Look Out For

1. Peeking Light Through the Door

It doesn’t matter where the light is coming in from—under, between, around—it’s never a good sign. If you notice any light peeking, it means that heat is also escaping through these tiny holes.

What’s more, no matter how small a gap is, it can result in significant heat loss. Cold air follows the same rule since it will seep in. Having said that, you need to seal all these holes immediately in a process of caulking gaps to stop cold air from entering your house.

This also keeps rain and water from entering your exterior door. In doing this, you get a high-performing, efficient door that is insulated and reduces, not increases, your energy costs. Door weather seals, also known as weather strips, can sometimes also be used to alleviate this issue.

2. Where is the Chill Coming From?

Besides a peeking light, you could also notice a breeze that gets stronger as you near your door. If the chill is something you really can’t seem to ignore, you’ve got a big problem on your hands. This is a typical problem for older, worn-out doors, and draft stoppers are a solution to this issue.

You should however look at draft stoppers as permanent accessories other than temporary ones to lower the chill permanently. If your doors have this problem, they are either inadequately insulated or have gaps or cracks that can allow water to pour through.

To counterattack such problems, you’ll find yourself turning on the heater to keep the shivers out. Granted, that’s extra work for your HVAC system which will cost you extra money. And if you compare the operational costs of more heating and installing a new door, the former is unnecessarily expansive.

After all, how much can you pay in energy bills each month to keep your house warm? To what end? We’re quite sure a new door and triple glazed windows would come out on top!

3. It’s Harder to Open or Close Your Doors

Opening or closing your interior or external door with difficulty is a blatant sign that something is wrong. It’s one of the most obvious signs that your door needs to be replaced. It doesn’t matter how long ago it was installed; if it opens or closes with difficulty, it needs to be repaired or replaced.

Why are you facing these difficulties? It can be that the door wasn’t installed correctly initially, was exposed to the elements, or has simply worn down over time. To correct the problem, start by checking hinge screws to see if they need to be tightened or gently adjusted. You should also check the door jam and ensure it’s flush with the door frame.

4. Cracked or Peeling Paint

If the paint on your door is flaking or cracking, it is another telltale sign of wear and tear. Although you might try to pass this off as vintage or rustic style, it’s obviously not the intended appearance you were going for when you first bought the door.

Peeling, cracked, and damaged paint implies that your door has not been treated or had regular maintenance with quality paint, oil, or varnish. Depending on the severity of the door, you might be able to paint it and hope that solves the problem, but replacing the door with a new one would save you time and trouble in the long run.

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