When you look back to your childhood days, nature likely played a crucial role in your most precious memories – especially during summer. Maybe it was climbing a tree, swimming in a creek, going on a beach vacation, or simply camping with your family.
Engaging in such fun activities each year doesn’t have to stop just because you are all grown up now. In fact, this is the best time to try out some new outdoor activities with friends, family members, or even by yourself to rekindle your relationship with nature. Summer holiday may be slightly different from this, however, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy everything that Mother Nature has to give.
Spending Time Outdoors is Simply Amazing
Time outdoors is time well-spent because you are able to get away from your daily schedule, responsibilities, and the stresses of everyday life. On top of getting a much-needed break from your busy lifestyle, spending time outdoors also has a wide variety of mental and physical health benefits. You can spend quality outdoor time in your own home by installing pergola aluminium in your backyard.
In most cases, spending time outdoors allows you to get a decent amount of exercise. Whether you’re climbing a mountain, kayaking, backpacking, hiking, riding a bike, swimming, or simply walking, you’re pushing yourself physically, which we know is crucial to your health.
Another important reason why you should spend more time outdoors this summer is less obvious. Are you familiar with the phrase, “Nature is the best medicine?” Research has proven this statement to be factual. Spending time outdoors increases the body’s production of serotonin and dopamine, chemicals associated with feelings of optimism, satisfaction, and happiness. These boosted levels can reduce depression and anxiety and improve memory function and productivity.
The benefits of spending time in nature don’t end there. Connecting with Mother Nature promotes a deeper concern and appreciation for the planet, as well as some valuable human traits such as exploration, creativity, and a general sense of curiosity. It can also help improve your self-confidence and mindfulness, as being unplugged enables you to be fully immersed – both with yourself and with others.
How To Incorporate Outdoor Summer Activities
Regardless of where you live, you don’t have to travel long distances to enjoy the benefits of nature during summer. Fortunately, nature is literally everywhere. Whether you’re the kind of person who prefers outdoor adventures with friends or your idea of the perfect summer holiday is going on a solo expedition, there are limitless ways to connect with Mother Nature.
Ditch The Gym
We all know the numerous benefits of regular physical activity. Exercising outdoor, though, is much more beneficial for you. Not only are you exercising your whole body when you’re engaged in an outdoor activity like biking or hiking, but you’re benefiting mentally as well. Furthermore, the fresh air gives your lungs and heart a much-needed boost. The transition doesn’t have to happen immediately. Consider ditching your treadmill for a daily jog at the local park.
Hit The Road For A Holiday Destination
Taking a road trip is a great way to see many types of scenery. Consider planning a trip to the nearest National, State, or Provincial Park. Make sure to make as many stops as you can and take your time to enjoy the different landscapes. Pack a hammock, picnic blanket, and a book, so you can fully immerse yourself in the great outdoors.
Gas Up The Grill
Spending time outdoors doesn’t have to involve travelling too far from home. One of the most beloved and classic summer activities is a great way to spend time in nature.